woohoo, opinion on the internet
waiting for people to ejaculate on me over this
yeah, i dont really like takeover tuesday. now i know im not exactly the "OG" of newgrounds but i liked NG when it didnt have this. now i dont really have a problem with showing off small creators work, it could help them get popular which is nice, who knows, maybe you're helping the next animator of the century (but you wouldnt even knooooow..). what i do have a slight problem with is some people buying supporter, publishing something and automatically featuring it in hopes of getting internet points
woah??! WTF! so you cant bump yourself up anymore?!
now hold on, theres a catch. i only have that problem when the submission in question is... kind of crap. which can happen sometimes. now im not saying everything on TT is shit, but if you are gonna submit something just to feature it on TT, then make it worth my time. (this is especially to small children who happened to have enough money for supporter, rare cases)
when i see someone featuring someone else's work on TT, i feel like it just is right. if you do that, then congrats you dont piss me off!
other things i dont like : takeover tuesday edition
- i cant see latest posts from friends / people i follow, GET THE FUCK OUT MAN IM NOT WATCHING YOUR SHIT!
- big boobies in my face the moment i open NG, now i dont have a problem with jerking off but i like to do it on my own.......thanks.
- its just tom fulp's way of saying "yeah, running low on money here", but i honestly dont mind it as much. business is business, i'd do the same thing too.
- i hardly go there at all, unless a video from the 2000s catches my attention or a big amount of reactions (oh yeah you have people on there reacting with the most random reactions there sometimes, but thats a problem everywhere on NG. let the kids put the square into the square hole or whatever)
okay fuck takeover tuesday, lets hear about solarfiction stuff
...uhhh.. well not much to say here. just 2 animations this much, comics, art, all that 'crap!
see ya in the next post! (scheduled : in 52 years, 3 hours)
ok man you do you