welcome to solarfiction, where our characters die (psst, it's totally fiction, though!)

Sebastian @solarfiction

Age 15, Male


Joined on 7/2/24

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solarfiction's News

Posted by solarfiction - 1 day ago

solarfiction joins the blam crew

that one thing he hates, heres how

so, if i have to be honest. "the blam crew" (something i call all people of ng who engage in frequent blamming) fuckinnnn.. sucks! theres only a limited option of actual good blammers who will tell you on how to improve your animations while giving you that nasty stain of a mark which is a blam.

what makes a bad blammer be well.. a "bad blammer"? well examples are poligeektoons and alextoolstudios for one, i dont like their way of shooting certain movies in the head. im just not fond of it. besides they kinda take it a bit way too seriously at times. (kind of like how a redditor would treat their internet brownie points, karma as something useful in their life)

anyways, today, i felt like i need to start reviewing stuff again which is something i used to do a lot back in the days of old solarfiction (wow, i can finally say this.. i gu ess). and i need to start using 1 star, 2 star, 3 stars more. my reviews always used 4 or 5 most of the time which is a bit.. LaMe!!!


i dont like bragging, like at all. but i just wanted to show that i do have town watch and hopefully i get to a higher level soon. i was a bit tired of seeing the default one you get (also the bonus aint 0% anymore!)


feel free to greet me with welcomes or death threats! i take anything : ]

and if you want me to review your work and give you a piece of advice, make sure to shoot me a PM!


Posted by solarfiction - 2 days ago


ASBESTO performance by solarfictions

if theres something strange......


and it dont look GUUUUD..


who you gonna caull?






a lil man.


sleepin in yo bed!


..he nutted in the bed.


the GHOOST nutteddd!




oiadsofijoeai ojofije a' ;a';a;';';'af' lc';acl;'' alc;'evmme a;e';'mf;'ma ;'e;'m;'mrw;'m ;'emf; m;'mw rm;'w;m' m; 'wm;'








Posted by solarfiction - 3 days ago

solarforums shall rise again

oh cool. an update after a month

so i saw some people wondering about the updates on the solarforums, so i thought "ehhh.. fuck it lets update it" and, our site has a cool design now. it looks A LOT better and nicer than the older one (R.I.P old site design 12th december, 2024 - 21st march, 2025). one problem is that its hard to read sometimes, but i could possibly fix that in the next upcoming update




Posted by solarfiction - 2 weeks ago

another rant? when the fuck is this guy happy?

with discord, the answer is never. here is why

hello ladies, gentlemen and attack helicopters. today i will talk about quite possibly the worst messaging app there is, discord. you know whta they say, "fuck discord, all my homies hate discord", but WHY? why is do the homies hate discord? well i already explained it here, go back to part one of the discord chronicles, you lazy fuck. (yes i love screaming at my fans, i do not care if this intimidates you or makes you squirt out of your vag')

BUUUUUUT as i was saying, long story short, discord is a greedy ass company that makes their app worse and worse day by day. microtransactions, and not to mention... THE LOBOTOMIZED MOBILE VERSION! WHAT THE HECK?!

discord's HORRIBLE mobile app

so i use discord on my phone a lot, despite switching over to teamspeak. and here is the thing i caught on. sometimes, when i message someone like say :

(the thing below is not an actual conversation but its meant to show you how discord mobile RUINS me physically)

"fruitpummel, make oatmeal you fat fuck" i press send to my dearest friend, footpimple at around 3:30 PM. and guess what happens.. get this; i return to the app an hour later, 4:36 PM right? it goes automatically to the DMs, nothing special, but.. the text turns from gray to white meaning it just got sent. at 4:36 PM.



seriously, what the fuck? am i not allowed to type anymore?

conspiracy on this shitty piece of junk

so, i switched to teamspeak blah blah blah, but the way i kind of view it is like you dump your ex (discord) for a girl with larger tits and whatever (teamspeak), ex is obviously furious and jealous so basically ex says "if i cant have fun, no one will!"

boom! no message sending privilege for you bitch! taste my dildo!


answer to why i dont quit discord fully

well first of all, it sure as hell hasnt happened a lot, but i actually got messages from people wanting to add me on discord because they liked the stuff i was making and wanted to talk. now i have absolutely no problems with people wanting to talk (you can send me a PM on newgrounds here regarding my discord and ill make sure to give you it because i dont post my account handle freely like a jackass, god knows what you people are gonna do) but if i quit, how the hell are people gonna contact me? i mean i guess id say the solarforums but for now people are not joining, and a lot of people have discord anyway (i feel sorry for them, theyre missing out on a hot piece of ass like teamspeak.. dro ols)



anyways i thought this was a little funny, so thats about it. SEE YA!



Posted by solarfiction - 2 weeks ago

woohoo, opinion on the internet

waiting for people to ejaculate on me over this

yeah, i dont really like takeover tuesday. now i know im not exactly the "OG" of newgrounds but i liked NG when it didnt have this. now i dont really have a problem with showing off small creators work, it could help them get popular which is nice, who knows, maybe you're helping the next animator of the century (but you wouldnt even knooooow..). what i do have a slight problem with is some people buying supporter, publishing something and automatically featuring it in hopes of getting internet points

woah??! WTF! so you cant bump yourself up anymore?!

now hold on, theres a catch. i only have that problem when the submission in question is... kind of crap. which can happen sometimes. now im not saying everything on TT is shit, but if you are gonna submit something just to feature it on TT, then make it worth my time. (this is especially to small children who happened to have enough money for supporter, rare cases)

when i see someone featuring someone else's work on TT, i feel like it just is right. if you do that, then congrats you dont piss me off!

other things i dont like : takeover tuesday edition

  • i cant see latest posts from friends / people i follow, GET THE FUCK OUT MAN IM NOT WATCHING YOUR SHIT!
  • big boobies in my face the moment i open NG, now i dont have a problem with jerking off but i like to do it on my own.......thanks.
  • its just tom fulp's way of saying "yeah, running low on money here", but i honestly dont mind it as much. business is business, i'd do the same thing too.
  • i hardly go there at all, unless a video from the 2000s catches my attention or a big amount of reactions (oh yeah you have people on there reacting with the most random reactions there sometimes, but thats a problem everywhere on NG. let the kids put the square into the square hole or whatever)

okay fuck takeover tuesday, lets hear about solarfiction stuff

...uhhh.. well not much to say here. just 2 animations this much, comics, art, all that 'crap!

see ya in the next post! (scheduled : in 52 years, 3 hours)



Posted by solarfiction - February 15th, 2025

i am officially a lia r

solarfiction would never do this

yes thats right, animation is not coming on this day, the 15th of february, which means i just said fuck you to lots of people for no reason..

uh about that.. um i er.. nevermind so i will polish it a little and post tommorow (im risking grades for this shi t, give me a 3.5 or sum bruh!)

keep in mind, i am a loser behind the screen trying to animate dancing penises too which you later have to rate (aaah! you thought i was gonna pull that "im a person too" bait? hell nah)

so uh yeah wait for the animation and fetch me a beer while you're at it

also i have a third channel if you used your eyeballs, check the videos because i uploaded something you MIGHT wanna see while waiting (link to random video, comment "here from newgrounds" like a good boy)

yeah ok im out now



Posted by solarfiction - February 13th, 2025

rant time

because hospitals fucking suck and if you do not agree with me then suck my dic k

so uhh hospitals suck, THEY SUCK GIANT ASS!

why? first of all, iiiiiiiiiii am not a healthy person! (shocker) but yeah basing off the personal stuff i published before (news posts, art), i have some problems with health. now going to hospitals for a check up or test results, i have to wait fucking 30 MINUTES just for YOU to tell me i am [something something, insert here im too lazy]

oook? i do not personally give a fuck, im just here because you forced me here. i am in a purgatory and you are the tormentor here, i have places to be like a strip club or bullying homeless people!

seriously, i am developing an active phobia of hospital and healthcare buildings. dont stress me out with some shit like oh you have to get this surgery you dont like or ohh you have this basically for the rest of your life, i'd rather get AIDS than to hear that sort of bullshit, ya greedy growing pieces of mold!

now.. solarfiction... why did you make this post..?

no reason, just went for my EEG results today and i dont like waiting nor do i trust these people (if i cut my eyeball out, ill just put it back in! easy squeezy, i dont need your bullshit process that takes 25% of my networth and 29841 decades off my life!)

conclusion : hospital sucks, thank you for reading!


word of the day : grandma is dead (its not a word but you cant stop me)



Posted by solarfiction - February 12th, 2025

we hit 52 foll ower let go + rant

here is me showing off

its cool, we went from 48 to 52

cannot wait to get to 57 (SOLARFICTION NUMBER!! SOLARFICTION NUMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)



quick rant about the site's new look

it sucks ass, pretty much dogshit, sorry fom tulp, but these content rating colors suck. T is E, M is T, A is M, what the fuck?? how will colorblind people who happen to not understand letters look at porn now without the search filter?! shame on ya, tom fulp.....


new animation NOT coming on valentines day, its coming on february 15th (if i do not procrastinate), fuck you



Posted by solarfiction - January 26th, 2025

lets talk, dacylinder17 for the last time + fruitpummel is changing his name

first, fruitpummel is changing his name. when, to what, how, see here

so the concept of fruitpummel changing his name is not new as its been around since september but fruitpummel has finally decided to get rid of this name thats tying him to this conflict. and we cannot forget about the anamonator drama with alextoolstudio and poligeektoons from a week ago, the nail in the coffin. fruitpummel will post his last video on the 1st of february and then he'll abandon his account and will go under a new alias which wont be said publicly yet so watch out for fruitpummel posting about it

R.I.P fruitpummel (2021-2025)

regarding the person i once used to know, dacylinder17

my friend group used to consist of around 10-11 friends. everyone would joke around in our little server, everything was great. but among them was none other than dacylinder, he used to be a fan of my old content in 2021 and we quickly turned to friends over teamspeak. we would play together, talk together, all in our little 4 friend group (cevojsko and mayhem were in it, but they will be mentioned later on)

there was also a guy, ironkatana, the earliest solarfiction voice actor i guess, he voiced that kanye girl from master oogway sucks (which sucks ass, its my worst video ever), me and him would NEVER get along. 2021 to 2022 to 202- you get the point. there was never a year without fights, its like we were forced to like eachother. dacylinder took mental notes since i kept telling him about the fights and he grew wary of the guy ever since early 2022

now to our times, right so. focus on this month : august 2024. now, why is this so important? well this month marked ironkatana and me arguing for what is most likely the last time (he defended a pedophile so we cut ties, nothing else to it). dacylinder17 had enough though, everyone used to fight with ironkatana and if he wanted to cross lines again, he would regret it. on the 7th of august, he would make some sort of cult/organization named "cylin union" to unite everybody against this "tyrant" (erm, the block button is right there, bud) and this would start it all

august passes, david (my friend, appears in the oogway video as a cameo) and radicalbeans (VA of marselo from voidrejects) join the cylin union. and then the conflicts with fruitpummel rise, it was a misunderstanding since fruit was reading dacylinder's letter to ironkatana warning him of danger that might come if he tries anything. he giggled at the way dacy described his boyfriend as "his lovelife". fruit only found the wording a bit funny, nothing else. dacylinder took this the wrong way, called fruit a homophobe and put a barrier between me and him, so fruit was starting to be miserable from this point

september rolls around, me and pyxron check on the server sometimes, nothing too out of the ordinary, i left the server in august so i was in firtir's (important name) group chat with pyx. the cylin union, cevojsko and mayhem also get into this alliance of some sorts with eachother this month, and suddenly 2 weeks later, disaster strikes. ironkatana is sent extremely violent messages from the three and gets forced to work with them under the pressure. they were sending him gore, threatening him so what else was he supposed to do?

this.. is where i think he lost his mind. this is not him, i just refuse to believe it, the sense of power overtook him and now from this possible point he gets cocky. "the world revolves around me" mindset. oh well, atleast this is over. the whole event lasted 4 days after all

unfortunately it isnt over. on october 28th, an hour after i release voidrejects, i witness fruitpummel getting insulted by dacylinder and ironkatana to the point where he starts crying. literally crying, something he never showed ever in our years of friendship. i get immediately concerned, is this true? is this a possible impostor or prank or something??

i get confused but i do end up kicking dacylinder away from sicily101 for this (see im not a homophobe, yet dacylinder17 would tell you i am! because apparently i just say fuck you to random gay people, isnt that hilarious and comedic?)

october also marks the month where cevojsko and mayhem have a huge conflict lasting a few days to the point where cevojsko raids mayhem 11 times including my former server dacy took charge of which pyxron unfortunately had to clean (according to him, it was absolutely disgusting)

november rolls around, quite the depressive month. another friend of mine, gamingtime who was on dacy's side joins the cylin union entirely meanwhile firtir's relations with all of those guys get tight. it was a matter of time before someone was next and pyxron was well aware so what has yet to come was expected.

december, last month of the year. the 1st day of a such beautiful month gets ruined as i receive the news firtir has officially went into conflict with ironkatana and the others. me, pyxron and fruitpummel (severely damaged by this point) try to help firtir, but he cuts ties with us. im not sure if i said this but the reason for firtir cutting me off is this happening. somewhere in early december, another friend of mine joins the cylin union and dacy decides to think its a great idea to show the whole internet hes not right in the head so he names it..

the cylin empire. this wasnt just some project to him, it was a full on empire dedicated to him. it wasnt about security anymore, its about his image now. he is power hungry. he and his friends make a disgusting channel about firtir and on the channel you can find suggestive sicily101 art (she is a teenager), and just.. see for yourself, the link is right there. i know firtir hasnt said or done the smartest things, dont get me wrong i do think he has the brain capacity of a broken toaster but he does NOT deserve this. i did not plan for this, nobody did. keep in mind im blamed for this and i hardly know why

he is also posting schizo ramblings on his twitter proving these claims

in late december, me, pyxron and fruitpummel finally officially join the conflict

january, current month, a turn of events happen. firtir gets deplatformed entirely, frenchmain (firtir's friend) along with someone on twitter argue with him, i guess. ironkatana leaves dacylinder behind and cevojsko switches sides (does not mean he is off the hook though)

..and here we are.

if youre at this point, then congrats for getting this far. it has been a huge thing to get off my chest. but now..

do not harass ANYONE nor get involved in this, if you do it then you are a dumbass and i do not take any responsibility

thats all, dont bother saying "just block them", i wouldve done it months ago and i infact did it after i kicked him out of sicily101 in november. i just want him to talk to me

message to dacy

listen, dacy, you are most likely reading this so please let me reach out to you. you can get therapy, you can make an apology (better be a good one, champ), you can use anything in your power to make things right, why bother being the villain for some "legacy"? what does that even mean? everybody will forget you and know you as some dude who did this in his spare time, just please reach out to me through newgrounds or something, you dont have to be the way you have to be. i can still forgive you, because God once said to always forgive. it is whats right, no matter how "corny" it sounds, why bother being enemies when we can end off things on a positive note?

thats all i have to say, its 1 AM and i wanna go to sleep. night, guys

all dacylinder17-related posts will be removed when this conflict is over



Posted by solarfiction - January 25th, 2025



iofneio' 😂😂😂 p' foeniaefnnnaeo nfmmmvvmlmll lklklkkl

ah el nah spugibl dun dirty!! 😂😂😂reureureureureu

"i hope this guy gets hit by a train" - GILBERT GOTTFRIED, i dont kno when 😂😂thos who knows MAN go MAN go MAN

A flower, also known as a bloom or blossom,[1] is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants (plants of the division Angiospermae). Flowers consist of a combination of vegetative organs – sepals that enclose and protect the developing flower. Petals attract pollinators, and reproductive organs that produce gametophytes, which in flowering plants produce gametes. The male gametophytes, which produce sperm, are enclosed within pollen grains produced in the anthers. The female gametophytes are contained within the ovules produced in the ovary.[2][3] In some plants, multiple flowers occur singly on a pedicel (flower stalk), and some are arranged in a group (inflorescence) on a peduncle (inflorescence stalk).[2]

Most flowering plants depend on animals, such as bees, moths, and butterflies, to transfer their pollen between different flowers, and have evolved to attract these pollinators by various strategies, including brightly colored, large petals with patterns only visible to under ultraviolet light, attractive scents, and the production of nectar, a food source for pollinators.[4][2] In this way, many flowering plants have co-evolved with pollinators to be mutually dependent on services they provide to one another—in the plant's case, a means of reproduction; in the pollinator's case, a source of food.[5]
