welcome to solarfiction, where our characters die (psst, it's totally fiction, though!)

Sebastian @solarfiction

Age 15, Male


Joined on 7/2/24

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> 100,000
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solarfiction's News

Posted by solarfiction - 1 day ago

somewhere at 5 AM CET.. september 30th...


why wait for EEG tests hours on end, when you can drop some cool shit?

oh. might need to make some bonus art for each track. oh well..

see ya!


Posted by solarfiction - 4 days ago

heya, i might not make a video on solarfiction/solarform because i have some mental health tests i need to do, and i wouldnt say im the healthiest person ever. (i dont wanna get into specifics, for now atleast)

so theres gonna be a break from videos, but ill still be active on socials.

thats all!


Posted by solarfiction - 8 days ago

check out dem skillz, built this shit brick by brick by myself for 1 hour meaning im officially the best engineer ever lived


ladies one at a time please B)



Posted by solarfiction - 9 days ago

life is good, im definitely more social at school, which is a surprise to me. im not really social irl, and as some of you may know i like to wander across other people's news where i encourage them to keep posting cool shit, give advice, make new friends (im open to meeting new people)

overall first week of school is pretty okay, all i need to do is stop stressing about my hard future (exams are gonna be HARD!) and just focus on the present

anyways, people of newgrounds, how ya been?


Posted by solarfiction - 2 weeks ago

well.. as you might have known by my blog post a week ago.. school starts tommorow, which means fewer videos and art, that's why i even made spongewalt (its one of my bad excuses! lol). anyways i have a big project in the works, so just note yourself that! ill still be around of course, dont worry

question of the day : why am i literally ying yang?


SEE YA! for now atleast.



Posted by solarfiction - 2 weeks ago

alright, so you can listen to my music on everywhere! the music got accepted way earlier than i thought. here are the links, hope ya enjoy :



amazon music


theres probably more that i dont know about, but yeah its pretty much out there. anyways, ill make more songs soon, expect another one this september! ;)



Posted by solarfiction - 3 weeks ago

so august is coming to an end meaning that... school is starting. "well shit"

i might not have enough free time to animate that much like i did so less animations might be coming out, but i also plan to work on higher quality videos so videos might be coming at a "slower" pace. BUT! i'll post some kickass art in my spare time aswell.

anyway, i just made a small change to my socials tab both on ng and yt (discord counts as a social, i don't have a server right now but if you wanna add me, then go ahead, just shoot me a private message on newgrounds with your handle/user so i can add you)

that's all!


Posted by solarfiction - 3 weeks ago

its been a "long" time since i made my last news post, probably because im not that type of guy that announces stuff everywhere other than my twitter (which fucking sucks but whatever)

anyways, some of my youtube subs are aware that i am gonna post music under a new alias "solarform", and im planning to post the cover art of 3 songs once they drop (release dates : 5th, 6th and 8th-9th respectively, unless they decide to be a dick and upload late) soooooooo yeah

dentist update : they actually just checked my tooth but they will rip it out on monday, so solarfiction gets to keep his double canine tooth shit feature until i say so i guess

tell me if i should post news more often or if i should stay dead, anyway thanks and cya

(note : solarform is rated T)


Posted by solarfiction - July 5th, 2024

yesterday, i uploaded an animation called "that boy just aint right", and for any of my viewers wondering why it's not on ng yet well its been removed (most likely because of copyright)

if you care, you can watch it on youtube : https://youtu.be/myAPG8aCRvM?si=IQfM-zJNjGtehEoh
