welcome to solarfiction, where our characters die (psst, it's totally fiction, though!)

Sebastian @solarfiction

Age 15, Male


Joined on 7/2/24

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solarfiction's News

Posted by solarfiction - January 20th, 2025

hit my head today.. it started bleeding.. ouch

what a post...

so like 2 and a half hours ago, i hit my head pretty hard on the ceiling near the entrance to my kitchen (which means door, shorter ceiling, and me being 6 feet, if not taller). due to my.. "past experiences", im quite the sensitive guy to loud noises. long story short, my dumbass decided it was a good idea to jump energetically head-first into the ceiling as a "fake exaggerated reaction"

yeah, "fake exaggerated reaction" my ass! glad i didnt have a concussion or something, or better yet, VERY glad i dont have to go to a hospital full of those skanky fleas! (injury seems fine, ill take it as a man unless something happens for now)

the only aftermath picture i can show

the aftermath pictures themselves are not THE WORST thing you could ever see, but im not showing them regardless, the top of my head has extremely scratched skin and it will need a lot of time and patience to heal. thats all youre getting from me.

like fuck that, im not risking myself getting deleted lmao


(dried up blood on my hands, forgot to clean it)



Posted by solarfiction - January 19th, 2025

waitin' till teamspeak releases the screenshare update

they are gonna add screenshare and other cool stuff according to their newest twitter post so i am hyped

i used teamspeak for over 5 years basically, so it is no secret that i am attached to this stupid lil thing

if they release it, im def quitting shitcord because :

  1. discord is for 14 year old boys addicte d to porn and 49 year old men who would die to hang out with some young girls, everybody kinda knows that
  2. their features get dumber and dumber everyday
  3. teamspeak is for people with a huge penis
  4. i think teamspeak likes me


rest in macaroni, discord, thank you for viewing my awesum presentation



Posted by solarfiction - January 8th, 2025

some updates on what im doing + stuff

just got home

i just got home from school, nothing too out of the ordinary, just extremely tired as shit (had to spend 9 hours there, with 5 being my "professional subject" or whatever you wanna call it, blah blah blah got unfairly called to answer a few times, whatever). but the real question is, how are you guys been? answer below if youd like!

a thing about the "elephant in the room" (ooh drama..)

now, i know i did promise to not post blog posts on newgrounds, but i will be deleting any posts relating to this drama once its over. i just dont really want this being in my posts, thats all. i dont like drama, never will, if you have a problem thats related to me, then talk to me about it privately. and yah.. ill be making one last post at an unspecified date going over EVERYTHING to hopefully de-escalate this as newgrounds, to me, is a really special place. i care about my community A LOT more than you think, and this site along with you, the person who watches my videos, seriously make me happy and i couldnt appreciate it more :)

what am i up to?

so, i have been writing for a video.. a really "special and long-awaited" video if youre one of my 112(i thought it was 111, still thank you all!) youtube subscribers or 40 newgrounds fans! stay tuned! ill let you speculate on what that is, and when it comes out, i hope youll like it. and if not, then ILL FIND YA! just kidding, or am i..

well stay safe, solarcommunity!



Posted by solarfiction - January 6th, 2025

aw man come back pyx

he got locked out




Posted by solarfiction - December 26th, 2024


what happened?

today, me, fruitpummel and pyxron confronted dacylinder about his doc tweet on firtir (account removed, still active on youtube though) as they both had their personal drama starting from december 1st, 2024. the tweet described me as a "fucking r**ard", fruitpummel as a "dumb fat american kid" and pyxron as someone who "cries about given a simple title like a former roblox developer" (in context, pyxron only despises when people call him this, because he just wants to be known for animations, not for a silly kid's game he once played). our main concerns were that we did not wanna be involved in his drama at all, he replied to it : "oh grow up you can't handle few words of criticism" and said such things as "you are not being r**d you don't need to consent to anything" (pyxron has the evidence for this and will give it out if someone wants). this interaction now left us (fruitpummel, pyxron and i) in a huge major drama with the following people :



mayhem (prefer not linking this one for the reasons being; this guy's extremely violent)


DO NOT HARASS ANY OF THESE PEOPLE, INSTEAD PLEASE AVOID THEM OR TAKE THEIR WORDS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT (me and pyxron were threatened about our newgrounds account's safety)

why me and firtir fell out with eachother (explaining our "friendship")

i can say this now that it has been leaked, and yeah firtir has not been exactly the greatest to me when it comes to our partnership but i do not care if he was xenophobic towards polish people (he brought up polish people a lot). all screenshots leaked are true (talking about the ones the fake firtir account on youtube leaked, the handle is @ F1RTIR. the real firtir goes by just @ Firtir). me and him fell out because he saw my connection to dacylinder17 (context : i was friends with him until the horrible things hes done started affecting me, nov 2024) as something that was "killing his whole image" (he did not say this, but firtir has a habit of saying things like : "this is a group i wanna manipulate for my personal gain" quoted from 9.png inside the LEAKS folder of FNF firtir's prog log). he got rid of pyxron, and fruitpummel left on his own as fruit is currently attempting to cut all ties with him everywhere he can on all social medias as of me writing this. its a shame really, because i really liked firtir for the majority of the time, sure he does get on my nerves (and i dont show it) but i also get on his nerves and thats obvious as he once said in a group chat : "BTW i dont dislike solarfiction or not dislike him i just couldnt think of a better neutral term. solarfiction is a cool person to subconsciously manipulate into partially obsessing over you", and now in a deleted comment responding to ironkatana : "...thats partially why i dont completely dislike solarfiction, he doesnt seem tohave such things as "standards" also he glazes hard which is a huge bonus lmao"

the thing is, me and him are over now. we were "fRiEnDs" through 2023-2024, but people will always end contact someday, even if its your best friend in the world. my time with him is over, unless something changes which i doubt

please do not bother me about firtir. the only way i will actually talk to him is if its about the drama, and thats it. im not looking forward to any new projects and for the time being i dont see our partnership resuming.

no more blog posts for now, sadly

i will be active on the site, i will upload games, animations, art, just no more blog posts until this drama is finished and done with (hopefully privately). if you wanna see updates about me, go on the SOLARFORUMS. its a shame but what else can i do? its life. you get into fights, and the way i will handle my fight maturely. no insults, nothing. if i have to make a blog post defending myself from any lies on my name i will be receiving then i will.

i am sad really that i have to make blog posts like these, but unfortunately i have to do whats right.



Posted by solarfiction - December 25th, 2024


a message to you from solarfiction :)

so 2024 is coming to a close, which means that we get to see the most (probably) beloved time of the year, christmas! its been quite a year, but it doesnt mean we didnt make a lot of memories along the way. i wanna thank everyone for all the support and i wanna wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year aswell


so its no big secret i own a forums website dedicated to my channel, its purpose is to simply be a way of communication between people about not only the solarfiction channel but general discussions about things going in the world. we have 16 (formerly 15) awards, they dont serve that much of a purpose but they look really cool and it really brings up the activity in some users on the 'site.

so.. if you make an account (if you dont have one yet) and reply to this thread, youll be given a special award! it only lasts to the 31/12/2024 so hurry! (link leads to the thread)

how the award looks like :




Posted by solarfiction - December 23rd, 2024


this contains (nearly) all of the work i did this year for the solarfiction image in general!

heres also a thumbnail i did for a scrapped version





Posted by solarfiction - December 21st, 2024

i honestly have no idea what to post idk go to my forums or website

i forgot i had this in my camera roll

jumpscare warning (EVIL YANDEREDEV!!!!!!!)


he demands the flesh



Posted by solarfiction - December 12th, 2024


solarfiction website!

i talked about a potential website on my community tab (100 sub special) a while ago saying that i will make a website soon, which that became a reality, because after ~2 weeks of work, its finally here! it doesnt have anything that special, just a homepage, my videos, games, music, links, forums (we'll get to that later), but still.. make sure to check it out!

the official opening of the solarforums

to provide a comfy space for the small solarfiction community of 100 people, but also to expand my name a bit, i decided to make some kickass forums for anyone who wants to use them and talk with people either about the channel or pretty much anything! (even show some of their progress, you can do that too!)

overall i hope you will like it, and everyone is free to join!



Posted by solarfiction - November 21st, 2024


ermm.. the song?

so i havent posted a song on solarform in nearly a month (totally not rad, dude), and i have like 4 unreleased songs right now (this numbers gonna increase, trust me) soo...

a new song will finally release on december 4th/5th! (depends on where you live)

..not gonna say anything besides that, also it will have a special style to it this time (which is only for this particular son g)


so my youtube profile (solarform) is fully customized, and my spotify is eh... also customized i guess. but deezer, and allat...... should i also customize those for yall? (if your a perfectionist then youd say probably yea)
