solarfiction joins the blam crew
that one thing he hates, heres how
so, if i have to be honest. "the blam crew" (something i call all people of ng who engage in frequent blamming) fuckinnnn.. sucks! theres only a limited option of actual good blammers who will tell you on how to improve your animations while giving you that nasty stain of a mark which is a blam.
what makes a bad blammer be well.. a "bad blammer"? well examples are poligeektoons and alextoolstudios for one, i dont like their way of shooting certain movies in the head. im just not fond of it. besides they kinda take it a bit way too seriously at times. (kind of like how a redditor would treat their internet brownie points, karma as something useful in their life)
anyways, today, i felt like i need to start reviewing stuff again which is something i used to do a lot back in the days of old solarfiction (wow, i can finally say this.. i gu ess). and i need to start using 1 star, 2 star, 3 stars more. my reviews always used 4 or 5 most of the time which is a bit.. LaMe!!!
i dont like bragging, like at all. but i just wanted to show that i do have town watch and hopefully i get to a higher level soon. i was a bit tired of seeing the default one you get (also the bonus aint 0% anymore!)
feel free to greet me with welcomes or death threats! i take anything : ]
and if you want me to review your work and give you a piece of advice, make sure to shoot me a PM!